Work Day Moved

Due to scheduling conflicts on both Paula and Judy’s part we are going to meet tomorrow for a shortened time. NEW TIME FOR WORK DAY: Everyone – 4:00-6:00PM – Tuesday, August 28th, 2012 Hope lots can make it so we can make the most of our time.  See...

2012-13 Registration Night

Join us for our 2012-13 Registration Night for information about the upcoming year and to register your student(s) and pay any applicable fees. When: Wednesday, August 29th, 2012 5:30 – 7:00 pm — Open House 6:30 – 7:00 pm — Orientation and...

Pictures Needed

If you have any pictures that you are willing to share for the website header and other areas, please get them to Bob Martens by emailing him at Thanks! Share this:TwitterFacebookPrintEmailLike this:Like...

Group and Individual Photos

On April 30th we will be having Shayds of Color at group lessons for both group and individual pictures. We will have picture order forms available at group lessons. Please note: Piano Group lesson schedule — all students — 4:30 – 6:00pm Violin Group...

Piano Group Lessons Change

Please not the following change for piano students: April 2 – Group Lessons In Session April 9 – No Lessons If you have any questions, please contact Judy Martens. Share this:TwitterFacebookPrintEmailLike this:Like...