MLC Orchestra Camp Postponed Indefinitely

We regret to inform that the MLC Orchestra Camp, rescheduled for April 3 and 4, is postponed indefinitely due to the COVID-19 outbreak. If it is reschedule in the future, we will announce it. Thank you! Share this:TwitterFacebookPrintEmailLike this:Like...

Twinkle Gala advance tickets available!

The annual NUSSM fundraiser, featuring our Allegro Strings, is coming up on Saturday, December 14! Advance tickets are available today, so please visit our Twinkle Gala page and get your ticket order in today! Share this:TwitterFacebookPrintEmailLike this:Like...

The 2019-20 Registration Night is tomorrow night!

Tomorrow night, Monday, August 26, is Registration Night! Join us at the United Church of Christ in New Ulm, MN starting at 6 pm to register your child (or children) and hear what is coming up this coming year! Visit the Registration page for a 2019-20 Tuition...

Lydia Rigge’s Senior Recital

Coming up on Saturday, May 25 at 2 pm, senior Lydia Rigge will be giving her senior violin recital at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Wood Lake, MN. All are invited to attend! Share this:TwitterFacebookPrintEmailLike this:Like...