Silent Auction for Opera Tickets Now Available

Because the tickets will need to be used before the Spring Gala, we have put a silent auction online for two opera tickets. Let your friends and family know and happy bidding! Share this:TwitterFacebookPrintEmailLike this:Like...

Wine & Beer Social Reservations Online Now

The online reservation form for the Spring 2013 Wine & Beer Social and Silent Auction is now available. You can read more over at the Spring 2013 Wine & Beer Social page on the website and find the link to the online reservation form there as well. As always,...

Breakfast at George’s

On May 5, 2012 we are having our final fundraiser for the year. Each family will be given 10 tickets to sell for the breakfast fundraiser. $5.00 will be profit for us so this is a very generous opportunity from George’s. The funds that are generated will be used...