Stevens Point Suzuki Institute


Hi All,

Judy and I would like to encourage as many of you as possible to consider attending the American Suzuki Institute in Stevens Point this coming summer. The dates we are looking at are July 28 – Aug. 3. We will have some money available for each student attending to help off-set the cost of the camp. Please give this some serious thought. Students and parents who attend the camp tend to be more motivated and make progress quicker than those who do not attend. The teaching staff is incredible, the environment is highly motivating, and the camaraderie amongst the students is invaluable.

We would like to give a head count to the institute for the number of rooms we will be needing sometime over the next couple of weeks. If you are planning on attending, please sign up at the school or with either Judy or myself.

You can also download the PDF brochure to find out more.

We would love to see as many of you as possible attending this summer. If you have any questions, some families who have attended in the past are Huseby’s, Hoffmann’s, Schaefer’s, Rigge’s, Wiering’s, Weikle’s, and of course Judy and me.

Paula & Judy

Site Updates

A few changes to announce for the website and Facebook Page.

First, this website now has a Photos page where you will find the last 25 albums put up on our Facebook Page. Of course, we don’t have 25 albums so far, so you can see them all. You will find a link to the Facebook albums on that page as well.

Finally (I guess it has been pretty short so far), you can access our Facebook Page via instead of some long URL from before. It will be a little nicer to type in (and it LOOKS a lot nicer).

That’s it for now. Thanks!

2013 Tour of Schools

This announcement is for Allegro Strings students (and others who know):

Here are a few details that I wanted to be sure to get out to everyone before tonight’s rehearsal (6:30 – 8:00 pm in case there is any doubt).

  1. The tour of schools is this coming Friday, April 5th
  2. We will meet at St. Paul’s Lutheran Elementary School at 8:20 am for tuning
  3. We perform at SE Public at 10:00 am, lunch at SE Public, and perform again at SE St. Mary’s at 1:00 pm
  4. We will bring your students back to the NUSSM by 2:45 pm
  5. Please download the Travel Permission for Students Form to be signed and returned by all parents regarding transportation of your children. Students driving themselves from outside New Ulm whose parents are not bringing them MUST bring WRITTEN and SIGNED permission from your parents to me BEFORE Friday along with proof of your driver’s insurance.

If I have left out any details, please contact me…  (It is 4:45 in the morning and I may not be thinking too clearly yet.)

Thank you to all for your very hard work over the last couple of weeks and for participating in our first tour of schools in many years! This is going to be great!
